Ambalathingal is a small village in Omassery panchayath of Kozhikode district, Kerala. This village is located on Omassery – Kodanchery road on Kerala state highway 68 which connects historical Kappad and Adivaram town in Kozhikode district. Ambalathingal is situated just 2 kilometers away from Omassery town.
People in Ambalathingal is culturally and socially related with Omassery. Muslim community forms majority of the population. There is a juma masjid located here.
Kulikapra Shiva temple is located in the middle of the town. The name Ambalathingal itself might be derived from this temple. Temple festivals are held here annually. There is a sizable Hindu community live here. Christian communities also live in and around Ambalathingal due to its proximity to Venappara, a Christian migratory village.

Ambalathingal is an agrarian village where coconut, arecanut and rubber are heavily cultivated. Rubber cultivation was introduced by migratory Christian communities from Travancore.
Ambalathingal is well connected by roads. Omassery is the closest major town. People depend Omassery for shopping and trading purposes. Buses and autorikshaw are available from Omassery. Kodanchery town is 10 kilometers away from here.
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