Agricultural Export Facilitation Centre, Pune (1)

Compressed Bio Gas Plant, Sangrur

Asia’s largest Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) plant, with a capacity of producing 33 TDP of compressed bio gas, is situated in Lehragaga of Sangrur of Punjab. The plant has been set up in an area of 20 acres of land with a Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) of 220 crore rupees by Verbio AG, a leading German bio energy company.

The plant is capable of processing 300 tonnes of paddy straw every day to produce 33 TPD of compressed bio gas from eight digesters of 10000 cubic meters. It is estimated that the plant will consume 100,000 tonnes of paddy straw, which will be procured from 6-8 satellite locations within a 10 kilometer radius of the plant.

This project is part of Central Government’s SATAT (Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation) scheme which was launched in October 2018 to establish an ecosystem for production of CBG from various bio waste sources. This scheme also aims to empower rural economy by supporting farmers and increase India’s domestic energy production and self sufficiency and reduce air pollution.

The Sangrur plant is one of the India’s promise to its COP26 commitment of achieving the target of net zero emissions by 2070 and reduction of total projected carbon emissions by one billion tonnes before 2030. The plant can reduce stubble burning (traditionally farmers set fire straw stubble intentionally after grains have been harvested) of 40,000 – 45000 acres fields and an annual reduction of 15,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions.

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